
Ekskluzivni JEDNODNEVNI SEMINAR Shopper Psychology and Claims development 16. novembra - Tony Durham, vodeći svetski stručnjak u FMCG industriji




Nakon RASPRODATOG I USPEŠNOG seminara 12. jula, InStore Media organizuje još jedan seminar Shopper Psychology and Claims development na engleskom jeziku (16. novembra od 09h do 16h)

Iskoristite jedinstvenu prilku da čujete predavanje vodećeg svetskog stručnjaka u FMCG industriji Tonyija Durhama!

LinkedIn profil Tony Durham

• 35 godina na rukovodećim pozicijama u kompaniji P&G

• poslednja pozicija u P&G: Global Director of Shopper Based Design for Europe, India, Middle East and Africa

• seminar: 7 sati predavanja | 30 min ručak | 2x kafe pauze

Radionica je namenjena:

• profesionalcima iz marketinga
• trade marketinga 
• prodaje


The first part on shopper psychology: 4 hours would cover

• shopper psychology which would cover how shoppers really make decisions.

• This would cover how to attract attention in-store and online, how to deliver a reason to
encourage a purchase and re-purchase and how to influence the decision to buy now.

• This course is based on the same content as the course taught to P&G marketeers and now
integrated into the core training of over 20 top FMCG companies

• The course would cover a mixture of theories, exercises and discussion via a lot of real-life
examples of how top brands and retailers have used this knowledge to drive sales and profit.

• The course focuses on the practical application of knowledge so that participants can instantly
start using the knowledge to build sales and profit.

• At the end of the course people will leave with an understanding of the key principles they can
use to win with shoppers and influence their behavior.

The second part on claims development: 3 hours would cover

• How to identify purchase barriers

• How to develop claims

• The 24 different types of claim

• How to understand the legal risk of claims and how to test claims effectiveness?

This would cover the theory and then use examples of claims used by current brands today to discuss which are effective and why. The participants will leave
barriers, types of claims and how to develop effective claims.

Shopper psychology Training Course by Anthony Durham 

• The shopper’s attention is the hardest thing to attract in an environment which is overwhelming whether this is related to marketing material, packaging, POS or standing out in-store or online. To be successful it is necessary to understand how humans make choices of what to look at, what attracts their attention, what holds their attention, what triggers previously learnt brand associations and how to ensure you steal this attention from competitors.

• The training on shopper psychology will focus on Attention, Reason, Decision in order to give an overview of how to win with the shopper. This would include how understanding the lazy brain allows you to attract attention, how colour, shape, pictures, gaze-direction and colour contrast all impact whether you are seen or not. It will show how the brain ignores things that are consistent and the same and focuses on differences.

• It will cover how to frame and present information in a way that matches how shoppers process information, how to understand what prevents a shopper understanding why to buy you, and how to overcome these barriers by presenting information in the right way. It will also cover a variety of ways that you can encourage a shopper to decide to buy your brand now.

Kompletnu brošuru  o radionici možete preuzeti OVDE.

O predavaču

Tony Durham je jedan od svetski priznatih stručnjaka za psihologiju i ponašanje kupaca. Rođen u Velikoj Britaniji, Durham je svoju karijeru započeo davne 1982. godine u kompaniji “Procter & Gamble”, gde je ostao 35 godina. Tokom svog rada za “P&G”, Durham je obučavao neke od direktora vodećih svetskih brendova o tome kako mogu da promene svoje poslovanje tako da bolje odražava potrebe kupaca i poveća profite. Poslednju deceniju njegovog rada u ovoj firmi obeležio je rad na poziciji Director SBD za oblast Evrope, Indije, Afrike i Srednjeg Istoka.

Sledeći veliki korak u njegovoj karijeri bio je razvijanje koncepta regionalnih “First Moment of Truth (FMOT)” centara koji su imali za cilj podizanje standarda u trgovini skupljanjem i korišćenjem najboljih praksi i relevantnih znanja o ponašanju kupaca. Ovi centri su vremenom postali mesto gde su kompanije mogle da testiraju efikasnost svojih ideja pomoću fizičkih instalacija i virtuelne stvarnosti. Danas su ovi centri prisutni širom sveta i predstavljaju važan adut za mnoge svetske kompanije.

Tony Durham Consulting Limited
Godine 2017. Durham je osnovao sopstvenu konsultantsku kompaniju, “Tony Durham Consulting Limited”, sa ciljem da pomogne kompanijama u izradi strategija i povećanju prihoda pomoću znanja koje je usvojio o psihologiji kupaca. Ova konsultantska firma nudi usluge treninga i podučavanja vlasnika kompanija i brend menadžera o psihologiji kupaca i uticaju faktora kao što su dizajn paketa, pozicioniranje polica i oglašavanje na prodaju i potrošačko iskustvo.

CENA po učesniku iznosi 350 evra (u cenu nije uračunat PDV).

Mirjana Ivanković, menadžer projekta
+381 69 11 22 460